Affiliate Marketing With UNLIMITED Email Leads (2021)

What’s going on, guys? Matthew Sabia here. In this video, I’m gonna show you exactly how to make $500 every single day with affiliate marketing without paying for ads, or even having an existing email list, so stay tuned. I’m gonna show you exactly how it’s done.

As you guys probably already know, affiliate marketing makes up a substantial part of my online income. (light whirring)

Now, affiliate marketing means you are promoting someone else’s product or offer in exchange for a commission. Typically, you do this by building up an email list, as we’ve done over the past couple of years, of trusted people who you give them value and here and there you could sell and promote different affiliate offers to it. You could join affiliate contests and launches, which I’ll explain in just a moment. But the thing that really stops a lot of people from getting into affiliate marketing as beginners is either, A, they don’t have the money to spend on paid ads to get people to those offers. They don’t have their own product to get leads into to promote offers to. And, most importantly, they don’t have an existing email list they built up to promote these things to, as well. In this video today,

I’m gonna show you exactly how you could build lists of thousands of public emails from Instagram, within a matter of hours, that you could use to promote your offers and services to. To hammer home the point of just how powerful this tool is, take a look right here inside of one of my Warrior Plus affiliate accounts. We generated just over $6,000 in affiliate commissions using nothing but the leads we generated from this tool. Now, this just doesn’t work for affiliate marketing, that’s the example I’m ganna be using here. You guys can use this as a digital agency. You could target people only in a local area. Maybe you’re doing marketing services for them, like a social media marketing thing. You could use this to build lists, to make custom audiences on Facebook Ads, if you’re running an ecommerce business. Basically, whatever you do online, this tool is very, very powerful, yet it’s also very dangerous. Let me say this before we jump onto my computer. 

My lawyers and myself would like to remind you that you need to be abiding by all the CAN-SPAM laws and regulations in your country because, unfortunately, we are in such a strange time, where people were so wimpy and they get triggered by receiving emails or text and phone calls they don’t like, where they’ve made regulations to stop some of these things. I’m basically doing this for educational purposes, and you take this power and do with it what you will. Now, the first thing you need to do, or you’re not gonna make any affiliate commissions, is smash the like button down below for the YouTube algorithm.

Really helps out this channel and it gets this content to more people who need it, just like you. Okay, so here we are inside the software. Again, the link to this is gonna be down below. I’m gonna be continuously updating it with whatever the latest software is that accomplishes this task. Now, the first thing we need to do is head over to find users. This is where were gonna find the actual list of users to scrape the email addresses from. Now, to get this list of users, we’re gonna head over to Instagram.

Ooh, I can’t stand this guy. Now, let’s say you’re promoting some type of health and fitness offer. Maybe you wanna go out there and you wanna promote meal plans or supplements and stuff like that. Then maybe you would target somewhat like Mr. Greg Doucette because, as you guys know on this channel, we always market harder than last time. - Harder than last time!

- So what I recommend you do, instead of just going after someone’s followers, is making sure you have the most engaged people on the account, which is gonna be the people who are liking and commenting on these photos. So what you wanna do is go to a photo that has a large amount of likes and a large amount of comments, and you wanna copy the link. Go back in the software, and were gonna choose the specific post, likes and commenters. So I’m gonna click on go. We’re gonna paste in the URL and click on submit. One other thing I do wanna mention too, before you copy a post or you start scraping email from a user, make sure you go into the likes, open up a couple of these in the different tabs, and make sure they look like real legitimate profiles. Because, as you guys know, a lot of these big influencers, they buy fake followers, but as it looks here, Mr. Greg Doucette does have a decent amount of real people on his profile. 

So, once you have that, as youcan see, it’s gonna start collecting alist or a spreadsheet of all the people who have likedthat photo. Now, one quick note, I wannathrow in there. (alarm rings) Boom.

Wow, that was very convenient timing. After a while, Instagram is only gonna allow so many calls to their API from your IP address. Now, thankfully, this is very simple and free to get around. Maybe just go ahead and use the free VPN that they recommend inside of Chrome, but the one that I use personally is ProtonVPN, which is also free. So remember, guys, anytime you’re doing anything on the internet where you don’t wanna be tracked, whether you’re buying and selling guns, drugs, weapons, on the dark web, stuff like that, this is the one that I recommend and use. So I already have this installed.

All you need to do is click on protect me. Boom, and just let this page sit for a minute. It’s gonna automatically reload and then scrape all the rest of those users. But, for the sake of example, I’m just gonna turn this off again. And were just gonna use the 10,000 some-odd users it’s already scraped. Now you can just download the people who liked the photo or just the people who commented on the photo, but I recommend doing both to get the best results. And, as you can see, it’s gonna download those into the CSV spreadsheet files. Now I’m on a Mac, so I’m gonna use Apple Numbers. If you’re on a PC, you can use Microsoft Excel. If you’re poor, you could use Google Docs, but make sure you have some type of tool to open these CSV spreadsheet files. So now what you wanna do before we touch these, is head over to the email extractor tool. So were gonna click on this link right here.

And this is where you wanna paste in the usernames of all those people that we just scraped from those profiles. So I’m gonna hop back over here. I’m gonna click on the first username here. I’m gonna scroll all the way down. A quick shortcut is if you hold Shift + Click the last one, it’ll select everything in between. So I’m gonna go copy. I’m gonna paste those in. So this’ll be who liked his post. Well go to the other spreadsheet and copy everyone who commented on that post. Go to copy again. Well paste those in here. And all you need to do is click on submit. Now you could actually name these different sets of users. So let’s say you’re scraping the same person multiple times. What I recommend doing is labeling them, let’s say, Greg1 ,and then you could do two, three, etc. I’m gonna click on set. 

And now, in this section, it’s gonna allow you to select the actual information that you wanna scrape from that account. So, as you can see, there’s a lot of information that I can pull. Obviously we want the public email, and you could also scrape phone numbers. Now, speaking of phone numbers, you guys may have seen my last video where I showed you how to use a free tool to send thousands of personalized I Messages to people from a contact list like this. Now, again, I’m not telling you to do anything. I’m not insinuating anything. Do with this information what you will. Now one thing to keep in mind is every one of these boxes you have checked, it’s gonna take the tool a little bit longer to scrape that information, so make sure you’re only checking off the boxes that you absolutely need.
