Amazon Success Story (Ft. Jeff Bezos) | Motivational video

I don’t know I  think it’s always hard to know why you’re drawn to a particular thing I think part of it is if you have a facility with that thing and of course it’s satisfying to do it and so in the way that self reinforcing uh... and  certainly I always had a facility with computers I always got along well with them and uh... and it was it was they’re such extraordinary towards them and you can you can’t teach them to do things in the mid that connection to do them I mean it’s a kind of a an incredible tool that we’ve built here in the twentieth century that was they uh... uh... 

A lot of for that really did start a fourth grade uh... and then when I look but I got to high school uh... I think when I was in eleventh grade I got an apple to plots and uh... India continued for computers and for the time I got prints and I was uh... you know taken all the computer classes and actually not just learning how to act but learning about algorithms and you know some of the mathematics behind computer science and it’s fascinating and its really of very involving and fun subject site twenty with the idea I  have uh... of starting a company and  uh... even

Talk to couple friends about starting a company and ultimately decided it would be smarter to weight and learn a little bit more business and the way the world works unit one of the things that its very hard to believe when you’re twenty two or twenty three-years-old is that you don’t already know everything cut it turns out I mean uh... as I suspected uh... you know

People were more and more as they get older that you seem to work mission to realize that you know lesson last every year that goes back in a way imagine that by the time am you know seventy l realize I did not fit uh... so that was uh... I a very good decision to not do that I went to work for start-up company uh... button unit uh... one in New york city that was building a network uh... for helping brokerage firms clear uh... trades with the kind of an obscure thing its every interesting to go into but used my technical skills and it was very fun work and I love the people I was working with and then uh... 

That sort of from then on I started working stripped intersection of computers in finance uh... and stayed on wall street for a long time also only works for a company that um... to distinguish quantitative hedge fund treating I was we were we will need to sweep program the computers and the computers made stock trades uh... and that was very interesting too uh... and that was where I was working when I uh... when I came across the fact that the web was growing at twenty three hundred percent a year and 
so you want to start a company balked the first thing you do is used to write a business plan so I did that I wrote about it three page business wrote a first draft factor for the first draft of the car trip uh... from you know from  the east coast to the west coast and that was uh... 

That is very helpful in the business plan what survived it's first encounters with reality unto always be different the reality will never be the plan the discipline that of writing the plant forces you to think through some of the issues and to get her mentally comfortable in the space miniature research understand.

You know to push on this now this will move over here and so on so that’s the first step
wants you are looking at the bars in a realistic way it’s very important for cartridge to be realistic and so if you believe on that first day while you’re right in the business plan but there’s a seventy percent chance that the whole thing will fail you know that kind of relieves the pressure of  self-doubt I mean this early I don’t have any doubt about whether were gonna feel that’s the likely outcome no and  that just isn’t to pretend that it’s not will lead you to do strange in you know uh... 

Unnatural things so week uh... uh... into Edmund in what you do with those early investment dollars you know so if you have three hundred thousand dollars when you have a million dollars what you do with that early precious capital resources if you go about systematically trying to eliminate risk pick whatever the you know you think the biggest problems and try to eliminate the more time that’s uh... 

That’s how small companies get a little bit bigger than a little bit bigger little bit bigger finally at a certain stage you reach a transition where you have with the company has more control over its future ghastly the first through initial start-up capital for amazon dot com came primarily from my parents and they invested a large fraction of their life savings uh... 

In what became amazon dot com and yup that is a uh... uh... was a very uh... Bolden trusting thing for them to do because they didn’t and my dad’s first question what’s  the inner so this he wasn’t making a bet on this company or this concept.
