Healthy Snacks TO BE A SNACC

 Hey guys, welcome back! You guys ready to make some yummy snacks? So today, Im going to make about four to five recipes depending on my time constraints. Let’s see how it goes

We’re gonna have some high protein snacks, some healthy chocolates. Just things that are yummy and healthy.

So it’s good for you. So were gonna have some high protein meringue, were gonna have high protein yogurt. You can use coconut yogurt too - and were gonna have healthy chocolate, which is really crucial because your girl here eats chocolate every day and

What else?

So for those of you guys who want something to eat with your strawberries, you can try this out

So let’s just jump straight into it because the intro is getting way too long

But before you do that, smash that thumbs up button and subscribe

The first recipe that were gonna make today is meringue because that’s gonna take about two hours

Seriously, I’ve never made it before so

Please make it work? Okay, I got my recipe over here. It looks pretty simple, but I’ve never made it before so let’s hope that I don’t fail

Let’s just start with measuring the ingredients first because I don’t want to get my hands wet. So were gonna need some sugar 3/4 cup of sugar

A lot of sugar, 3/4 cup for four eggs?

Egg white, that’s like 150 grams. Thats a lot. So I’m gonna just use 50 grams because I’m using a The sweetener that has no sugar in it. So it doesn’t actually have carbs or calories in it and its 2 times sweeter-this version that I bought. So I’m just gonna use 50 grams first, I’m not gonna follow the recipe exactly. Anyway, let’s just do 50 grams first it’ll be fine. Like seriously, how, how wrong could it be? We’re gonna need some cream of tartar, which I’ll just pop it in later...some salt

Okay, now the fun part guys, the fun part. I got my oven preheated, but the fun part now is to break

These eggs into here

Nice...very nice

Okay we got our 4 egg whites here . We’re gonna add some salt and cream of tartar and then beat the crap out of it
Where is my mixer??
I don’t know where everything is..
So you gotta make sure that everything is really dry
There’s no oil in it as well because that’s the end of the meringue if you have some oil or egg yolk in it.
So were gonna add a quarter teaspoon
Of cream of tartar. I normally use this when I bake my
Pancakes, make my pancakes. Not bake my pancakes.
Let’s have a teaspoon of salt I’m not really sure why they add salt into like egg white
Please tell me why.. Is it because it helps to dry up the mixture a little bit better?
I don’t know. But were gonna beat this up.
Oh my gosh I swear I can never cook peacefully. Alright, lets beat this
Oh you’re supposed to beat it at normal speed though, like medium speed
Now that it’s kind of fluffy, I’m gonna add my sugar
This is an arm workout guys
Make more meringues
I’ll make such a mess when I’m cooking. It’s looking really fluffy guys.
I think this is ready. I didn’t actually add all my sugar
I feel like I’m not gonna like it if it’s too sweet. So you gotta adjust it based on your palate
I just don’t like things that are too sweet.
Now I’m just gonna fold everything
In with a coloring. I got this from LA last year from Whole Foods
Yes, and its expired. I’m just gonna use it, anyway. Just a little tiny bit of red.
Ohh guys, I forgot about my vanilla extract. I’ll just add it in now. It’s okay. It’s not the end of the world
What the hell! Tiny bit
Okay, maybe a little bit more *gasp as a lot bit more pours out*
So I’m just gonna mix this in
I think I did a really good job in beating this because it’s so fluffy guys, okay
This is taking way too long
It’s this worth it? Pretty sure it’ll be worth it.

So now were gonna put it into a piping bag, which I don’t have so I’m gonna use a zip lock bag
I’ve never really piped stuff before so let’s hope that it works
I haven’t baked much in the last couple of years and now that I have an oven
I’m trying to be more creative. So I think what I’m supposed to do
So, I think what I’m supposed to do is to cut a little hole over here and I have
a little piping thing that I bought ages ago. 
The holes too big. I just wasted my zip lock baaag
Can I use the other side? I think that will work. Okay, I think that’s better. I’m just gonna put everything in here.
Wow, look at the amount of egg white we have over here. Maybe this is just too much.
snappy snappy-snap
Got it all in. Oh, yeah, baby
I think it looks pretty
This will look very pretty. What am I doing wrong?
Look at that one
Okay, I need to focus this is not looking pretty at all. Nobody’s gonna  watch this video now
because my meringue looks ugly as ****
You can do this Chloe. Just do it. Just smash this out
But why is my meringue so ugly?
We got a few pointy meringues over here
Okay much better
This head went all the way in and no wonder no wonder it wasn’t looking good
So I’m gonna pop this in the oven first and I’m gonna make my second tray. Hopefully that looks better
Oh that looks really pretty, that one! Ok maybe I should just make it small
Like that...better oh
Well, I give it to all the bakers out there. This is the workout guys
I’m squatting right here. I think this batch is looking a little bit better like not the best
But its. You know ..cute and small
Like us small girls out there
I hope that we.. you think that we are cute cause we are small
Off into the oven. So for the rest of the egg yolk. Don’t throw it away use it for like other recipes
like custard or carbonara
I always make carbonara for my dinner after my lunch if I have any egg yolks left over don’t waste your food.
So anyways, I made myself some white chocolate over here as you can see they look so amazing like look at them
It’s so pretty
There’s no sugar added. I mean there’s sweetener added .So it’s just mostly
fat in here and tastes
Good. Oh my god
This white chocolate bar
It’s too good to be true. Seriously. It tastes really good, the recipe is gonna be at the end of the video. So
Check it out. I made it yesterday. And i was trying so hard not to eat it because I needed to take a photo with it.