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In the middle of the South Pacific almost in the another side of the world awaits us paradise 118 islands spread over 5 archipelagos make up Polynesia French scattered over a sea surface 4 million square kilometers occupy an area equivalent to European continent a paradise that has many seasons as many as islands each group of islands with its volcanoes and atolls and the everlasting pacific ocean add nuances that invite the traveler to jump from one to another French Polynesia is going to give us the opportunity to get in touch with an original culture whose expressions They range from dance and music passing through its exotic cuisine until reaching the tattoos.

It is not difficult to be fascinated by a surprising fauna and flora for its fragrances like those of the tiara flower emblem of the island and its mountains born of a volcanic past and filled of mystery you have to get to Polynesia with him adventurous spirit they brought to their coasts artists like Bowen and Jacques Brel although once settled in these lands the traveler may choose to change the adventure through contemplation 5 archipelagos Marquesas’ society you I love your change and austral form the Polynesia nearby paradises invites you to visit three of them and taste my pleasures to the letter in a land that does not stop surprise us while we go through it.

Our journey begins with the islands of the society type and bora bora and more a are the best known and in them is the capital of Polynesia for pt. these volcanoes formed millions of years ago years began a sinking that continues unstoppable and has drawn the profile of the islands around the caldera extends a protected lagoon from the ocean by a coral reef two volcanoes perched on a sea emerald two islands embraced that together they become the largest in Polynesia cloud-covered mountains rivers crystal clear deep valleys Tahiti appears as a collection of corners like the bay of killed this beach today famous place of recreation of Haitians arrived in the second mid 18th century the first discoverers of the island.

Samuel Wallis Louis Antoine are looking for your skin and famous captain James cook the latter was the one who gave him the name from tip of Venus to the place while he was on an astronomical mission financed by the royal society of London built in 1867 the Punta de Venus has a height of 32 meters formerly at the top there was a fire that could be seen more than 25 kilometers away away,

But not all have been discoverers French or English in 1772 the sailor Spanish Sunday of Bona Extra disembarks in tau strip to the north of the island here they found the first mission of the islands in it he left two missionaries who terrified they did not want to get out of this enclosure throughout the year they spent here because of the fear they instilled in them the stories of human sacrifice and cannibalism bona extra died on the island a plaque in Basque French and Spanish reminds us of your adventure despite all the evangelization of natives ended up bearing fruit during the 19th century the harsh repression cultural exercise against a people markedly sensual came to the prohibition of any of its expressions more traditional.

Today many of those rescued coexist traditions with western cults Adventist Catholic Protestants and Mormons practice their peppered rites of Polynesian notes its quite a show to attend the Sunday to mass on paper each of the rows of benches hosts a chorus and a competition is established between them the enthusiasm is evident when in Tahiti you can understand the original terror of those missionaries faced with a land where everything is different and where its people seemed hostile given their fondness for making sacrifices to the gods even plants flowers and trees have dimensions shapes amazing colors and smells as you  can check in the botanical garden here we can admire plants and trees original of these islands like the avian the sacred tree and others no less original if only by name like the emu the pine baobao noni or  the famous breadfruit loading that moved the bounty as food from slaves during the famous riot 1st French protectorate and colony since 1880 French Polynesia is a overseas territory endowed with a statute of autonomy since 1984.

Your capital for pt. is revealed as a modern city the only one in Polynesia where you feel the beat of a metropolis where the urban reminds that that we know the colonial-style town hall and the Notre-Dame Cathedral is the main appointments for tourists functional and elegant for centralized pt. archipelago life if we want to know the character of the Tahitians it is best to visit the traditional paper market is located in the heart of the neighborhood commercial here you can buy everything and also see how many are made indigenous products from a position privileged the colorful smells all mix in this amazing souk where the fish live with tattoos and vanilla with palm headdresses.

French influence on the mode of living becomes evident when walking between the stalls and the Chinese way of trading brings an oriental touch to market but it is also an occasion unique to approach the authentically Polynesian from their gestures to their voices and by of course its flowers its fruits its hats ornaments and tattoo artists and envelope all dizziness many dizziness for the visitor the paper market is the ideal place to shop at a Reasonable price out of the market we soon run into the most shops traditional living with the modern and elegant shopping centers but if there is a type of trade that invades the city center are the you would lose there are everywhere and from all prices not by chance is
the most sought after souvenir by visitors an art a cult of precious black pearl of the pacific to the that pays tribute by dedicating a exclusive museum.

If the market appears as an example of daily daytime life to get closer to the fun natives style nothing better than letting us fall at night at Plaza de Tua is in the paper port where we will listen to music and have dinner Chinese Food the Chinese were the first group important immigration to the island now they control the small business and the restaurants contributing another note exotic and fusion coupled with French influence the next morning and from there the most bustling and commercial port of Polynesia we set out on the island of morea we only have to navigate 17 km and the morea is not just an excursion for tourists.

It's proximity has turned the island into residential area for Haitians to daily embark to work on paper and later to come home and it seems that in this case it deserves it’s worth living far from the center and
enjoy a higher quality of life when I arrive, I will go to the south face, call attention to his trimmed profile where highlights the rocky mass of mount  almost 900 meters one of the sacred myths of the old Haitian gods from there we can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the Polynesia dominates two bays to the west of the from one to the east and from cook place conquerors favorite for anchor your boats paradoxically cook always preferred dock in west bay a few meters from the viewpoint we find the sea is shot to the old place of cult of the first settlers of morea restored in 1969 is located in a superb forest of emape the chestnut.

Tahitian there are many remains of this style in the surroundings as morea was the refuge of the Tahitian monarchs especially when things got difficult on the big island in the center of the island taking advantage of sunny slopes the thick vegetation makes way for crops perfectly ordered the pineapples are the fruit by excellence its export constitutes a important part of the income of the
island following the coast road hotel complexes appear perfectly integrated into the landscape almost floating in the lagoon are invitations to relax offers for a tourism of close treatment that seeks in
nature and the environment a privileged oasis where to disconnect of the world.

The pearl of the pacific as he baptized it captain cook sums up the essence of bora bora a paradise once forbidden and alone reserved for kings bora bora means born first time and maybe that’s why he stayed with the most beautiful the bluest sky or the lagoon more turquoise the cleaner air nowhere is it easier to understand Polynesian relationship with the sea than in bora bora because for them the water is just another form of land in the sea becomes a good part of life as children you play on its shores you live in their profiles the gardens of the houses are made of sea they work rest and look at the sea there are a thousand ways to navigate what not we could imagine in the west but here are everyday traffic lights and signals would be needed to regulate incessant traffic because the sea is more soil than any land
