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SHOCKING, STOLEN TREASURES OF IRAQ, NATGEO, DOCUMENTARY, VIDEO, MYSTERY SOCUMENTALS, wild animals, best documentaries, cleopatra, discover, discovery, discovery channel, discovery education, discovery max, documentary, youtube documentary, documentaries, interesting documentaries, documentaries online, documentalia, documentaries, documentary, documentary now, free documentaries, histori of, historia, history, national geographic, national geographic en español, top documentaries 

After the years 2011 to Eros port Toronto Pearson Canada suddenly a passenger feels bad an ambulance moved him to the nearest hospital but dies little after a heart failure it was Don and George Turkmen former director of the National Museum of Iraq devoted the last eight years of his life to look for antiques and works of art illegally taken from his country during the invasion of the troops Americans had flown to Canada to give a lecture on the destination of loss collections during the old war they left illegally from the country around 15,000 objects from different times relics of your Sumerian Babylon almost all of them from the ancient Mesopotamia considered the cradle of civilization many of the stolen treasures are worth million dollars affectivity 15,000 pieces are many for any museum in the year 2003 don and began to make a list of all the missing objects to evaluate the the extent of losses and initiate reconstruction of the museum that was and remains one of the most important Middle East.

The sudden death of Don and George and surprised his colleagues and friends with 60 years the former director of the museum the Iraqi government was dedicated to conferences around the world Hamas said they had health problems and still less from the heart I did not know what his condition was
I never said anything about it but in general he seemed a very strong man the looting of the national museum was a difficult coup for Iraqi culture after follow the trail of some of the collections around the world don and George it was discovered that  most of the pieces were finished in United States in their conferences and interviews to television the former director does not hide his suspicions the plan to steal the most valuable information was drawn before US troops invading Iraq would have had these accusations dry in Canada.

we will never know laughter we share the same mission finding stolen treasures and return them to the
Iraqi people I have no words to describe the courage and heroism demonstrated neither in the performance of that wall according to the data that the Interpol the black market of antiques is the
third in importance after trafficking in arms and drugs clandestine art business moves annually between 6,000 and 8,000 million of dollars as with drug trafficking the network of illegal trade encompasses all
planet and splashes people with great influence on business and POLITICS 2003 the American army
occupy the country after several aerial bombardments capital surrenders the chaos and anarchy prevailing in the city for several days.

There are no policemen in the streets soldiers do not have superiors to resort and government agencies crowds of thieves are closed they dedicate to stealing shops and supermarkets the 14 of April the sack of the National Museum of Iraq guarding the largest collection of relics and antiques of the country a true middle eastern treasure hundreds of thieves entered the museum and before the horrified eyes of half world took everything they they found in their path in general they removed pieces of smaller value
although it is difficult to say that there would.

Something of little value or of less value in the Iraqi museum because everything was there exceptional
although it seems a spontaneous looting museum staff are surprised to see to see that thieves leave reproductions of ancient statues and carry the original parts as well door of the vault does not seem to have been forced and in the open knew what he was doing among the rubble they found tools commonly used by thieves some of the pieces were extracted with great care of your showcases everything indicates that it was authentic professionals who had been prepared for the occasion entered into the museum toured the 28 galleries and we’re choosing between the exposed best parts.

It was as if they had gone shopping with list that list as it was discovered then gin was written new york London, Paris and Tokyo the looting of the Iraqi National Museum is an isolated cultural disaster this kind of plunder is common in armed conflict and Iraq was not to be an exception while the Vandals broke the showcases the most expert thieves Ivan choosing the objects of greater value the impression was that they were looking for certain pieces famous Egyptian archaeologist to lime and grant also speaks of the list that the looters could have carried were by very specific objects like if they carried a list destroyed many things and took few damage has a reason to be like this is achieved that the relics that remain intact acquire even more value Egypt 2011.

While some claim against Mubarak regime others burst into the national museum of Cairo two years later, the protests and once again reproduce the looting this time in a museum of elviña Syria 2014 only a few months have passed since the outbreak of war and a third of the country’s museums has been looted a few years before in 1996 a crowd razed the national museum of Afghanistan Kabul disappeared 80% of its collection during these two decades the pieces of the museum have been appearing in Germany Switzerland and japan they are very valuable objects in Afghanistan there are not many archaeologists and our knowledge of the past. 

Country that is rich and diverse has been always quite limited it was a great loss salima ihram also looking for stolen collections like did Don and George E before dying in suspicious circumstances in a
principle agreed to appear in this report but shortly after starting it ended to the interview abruptly and unexpected to Afghanistan is a country immersed in a terrible war and have
produced looting everywhere I may have many.
