The Best Affiliate Marketing Niche

 Hi everyone and welcome back to another video. In today’s video, I’m going to be breaking down step by step, how do you find which articles to write about on your affiliate marketing website.

Now, I wanted to take this tutorial one step further. So not only am I going to show you how to do this, but I’m going to find three realistic niches that I would personally go into based on their numbers.

Now, if you are anyone who is doing affiliate marketing using niche specific websites, it’s extremely important to do your research.

There’s two parts to the research. First is finding out what niche to make your website about. And second is finding out which specific articles you should be writing that you know will rank on Google.

Now, before we get into this tutorial, I just wanted to take one second to say, if you’re new to the channel, welcome, my name is Greg.

And I like to talk about online entrepreneurship. So with that said, if you’re interested in making money online, feel free to look around the channel and consider subscribing.

And a special thank you to all of you guys who have been showing support on the channel.

You guys know how much it means to me.

So, thank you for subscribing, the comments, the thumbs up.

I really do appreciate it.

So without further ado, let’s go ahead and get started in today’s video.

So this video is going to be very short and very to the point.

So, the first thing to know is that you need to use a niche research tool.

That’s the only way to really do this.

There is a lot of speculation that you’ll find as you start to research different tools on which ones are better than others, which ones are worth the money and the pros and cons to using the free tools out there.

Now to sum up years’ worth of research in about 30 seconds for you, here’s everything you need to know about these tools.

First is if it’s completely free, I don’t recommend it because I don’t think the information
is going to be accurate.

Second, if it’s a free trial of a paid tool, then I definitely do recommend it because you’re not going to have to pay, but typically you’re going to get the full features of a paid tool.

Third, just know that some of these tools can get pretty expensive, but as you become more advanced in affiliate marketing, you can see how they’re worth their weight in gold, because they save you a ton of time.

And lastly fourth is that even when you are using a paid tool, even if it’s a top tier paid tool, you are going to have to use common sense when you’re doing niche research.

If something just seems too good to be true, or it doesn’t sound like it makes sense, go with your gut on this.

And I’ll talk about this a little further in this video. So with that said, the last thing before we get into this step by step tutorial on the computer is to know that print on demand and affiliate marketing use different research tools.

This is commonly confused, but to clear this up very quickly for you, in affiliate marketing we want a niche research tool that is pulling information from search engines and search activity on the internet.

For a print on demand research tool, we want a tool that is pulling data from t-shirt listings and t-shirts sales for print on demand.

This is very different from the search engine data that we have with our affiliate marketing research tool.

Now, if you are someone who is in print on demand and affiliate marketing like myself, I'll link up a tutorial for the print on demand research tool down in the description, so you can get your information on that separately.

So without further ado, let’s switch over to the computer now and I’ll show you the two main things.

First is going to be how to find a niche to make your affiliate marketing website about.

And then second is how to find which articles to write on your website that will rank on Google.
So let’s go ahead and switch over to the computer here, and I don’t wanna waste any of your time. So this is the tool that I personally use.

It’s called SEMrush and long story short, it’s the best bang for your buck.
And they have a great free trial.

Now, I actually used to use a different tool for this.

It was called KWFinder, but recently they’ve made a lot of changes to their tool and they’ve limited their free trial in addition to being very pushy to get you to sign up.

So with that said, KWFinder is still a good tool, but the one that I personally use is SEMrush.
So this is the homepage here.

This is what you will see.

I’m just going to log in so we can get to the tools here. Okay, so once you’re logged in, you have access to all of their tools now. So I guess the first thing we should do is go to their pricing and just cover this
so were all on the same page before we start using the tool.

So yes, this is a paid tool, but they have a seven day free trial. Like I was saying before, if you can get a paid tool with a free trial, the free trial is the way to go especially as a beginner in affiliate marketing.

This will give you access to really good information that you can base your affiliate marketing content plan on.

And as you start to grow your affiliate marketing business, and you have money to invest back into your business, this would be a tool that I recommend you use.

Now in regards to pricing, they don’t offer any discount code, so I don’t have a discount code to offer you, but I do have my referral link down in the description.

If you use that link when you sign up, thank you for that.

If not, I hope this tutorial is helpful anyways, but those are the plans here.

You really just need the pro or the guru plan. You don’t need a business plan unless you are extremely deep in affiliate marketing.

So with that said, pricing is now out of the way. Now let’s go back to the tool and get started with this. So this page is basically your homepage and it’s called your dashboard.

This is what we’re going to be using primarily and it’s how were going to be finding what niche to make your website about.

So all you have to do, it’s very simple, don’t worry about anything on the left side, just stay at the top part here and type in all of the niches that you’re thinking about going into.

So to give you an example here, I’m going to type in Apple and I haven’t typed this in before, but the concept should be about Apple computers or iPhones, and we’ll see what kind of information it comes back with.

So as you can see once you type in Apple and you click search, it’s going to switch it over to keyword overview.

And this is the information that were looking at for our overview of our entire niche website. So the main metrics were looking at is over on the left here, we wanna see how much monthly volume there is.
This is going to be an average over the last 12 months, every month, how many people are searching for something related to Apple. And as you can see, the search volume is astronomical.
