Jack Ma on the China Opportunity at Gateway '17 -Learning English

This video for sharing information only, it's not for commercial (non profit). This is of Alibaba Executive Chairman Jack Ma explains why now is the time for U.S. small businesses to enter the China consumer market.

We they are women we have more than 33 percent of the senior management of women  is going to be very powerful including first century because last century people compared about a muscle this entry people compared about wisdom about the user friendliness so I’m at very happy these days I see a lot of women entrepreneurs here especially on the internet people really don’t care your men and women they care whether you serve people better or not whether you care people better or not so place special attention hi as many women as possible this is what we did in our company and this is the secret sauce I want to share with you the  other thing I want to say please rediscover China before I talk about China I will show you a shot video just a few seconds to see how China changed in past the 30 years  ago Shanghai was nothing are just a piece of you know a farmland but within 30 years China made city like Shanghai like this we have a lot of cities like that developing the pasture 30 years grow so tremendously when we came here people prepare some videos I asked a lot of Americans what do you think about China ting hmm panda bicycles great walls Tai Chi I think nobody things China has changed we from nobody today become the second largest economy of the world thanks to the globalization thanks to America thanks to Europe thanks the  peoples hard-working and partners 1972 when Nixon and Mao Zedong signed agreement opened the chapter of the political partnership between China and the USA China did grow very fast people like me.

I was born a Hanzo the city where Nixon visit in 1972 I was like eight years old because of that council become an open City because of that we have a lot of American tourists to come to hang so I start to learn English giving free tool to those American visitors and I learned to think different because everything I learned from the books are so different from the face I heard from the American visitors I know there’s a world that is totally different than the other side of the world in the past thirty years China embraced the change in the past 30 years China take the position to open and to reform in the past 30 years China open globalization which today I think globalization was the name created by Americans but today the American don’t like the globalization we start to like it and China also embrace the Internet if America was a country of wheels China today is a country on the internet or on the mobile phones and China start to learn from America in the past of the years we learn for America we learn from Europe we learn from America with great appreciation people like me I’ve never got a one day training America but I believe I know much about American that most of the Chinese maybe more than some of the Americans.

I respect the culture we learn today in China in Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou big cities where you pick up 100 young people you will find 80 of them can speak at least 50 in Greece words if you go to Washington New York San Francisco if you pick up a 100 young people in America how many of them can speak more than 10 Chinese words except from a Chien where you learn when you embrace the change you have the chance people start to complain about globalization I think globalization nobody can stop it  will continue do the only thing is that how you can change yourself to embrace it and our China manufacturers going good it’s doing pretty good in the past 30 years because the Chinese manufacturer study American consumers the child making sure the American European the global consumers love their products this is China has changed but I think America is a great country American Dreams the Alibaba dream was get from the.

 American Dreams 1985 I learned so much I read so many books I read the  GE way I understand the eBay I understand IBM all the things we try to learn and that’s the 30 years China is going to be much faster growth pasture 30 years American economy was the engine of the global economy I believe the next 230 years American steel will be the leading economy engine of the globe economy but China is going to be another big engine for the global economy China is shifting from exporting to importing we have 1.4 billion people we have a more than 300 million middle class you know how many people traveling Chinese people traveling around the world every year last year nearly a hundred fifty million Chinese people traveling outside China a hundred fifty million people this is a movie nation around the world and in next 10 15 years China is going to have 500 to 600 million middle class the demanding for high quality products high service products is huge and I would say that think about what does that mean well if I you know how many cities in America has more than 1 million population you know any of you can how many cities in China has more than 1 million population a hundred and a 2 1 million population in China is like a village when America is a big city mine city has only eight point six million people its ranking nothing in China but the demanding population middle class means so much imagine the Chinese government advanced that in next five years they are going to import 8 trillion US dollars.

what has a trade US dollars mean I think China will import much more than a trade at least 10 trillion US dollars in extra five years you know how many pigs Chinese eat every year 600 million pigs a year luckily peep to Mabini eating pigs that a pig eating human beings 600 million pigs how many chickens we eat 7 billion chickens a year so the numbers are scary but what does that mean that means past 30 years the American population middle class they change the whole world economy next to 30 years the China the growing market they are going to fundamentally change the landscape of the economy China is going to buy a lot of things because if we do not start to buy good products China is going to be a
much more pollute to the country we have terrible air we have a terrible soil we have a terrible water if we do not learn to buy things we are going to be in big trouble so a trillion dollars means that the Deut the number of last year’s American exploitation to China takes about 70 years to build because to manufacture so this is what we see China is going to be the world largest  consumption places and that
engine is going to drive the world economy but the other thing is what does that mean to SME I think this is a good opportunity for small business in the past years big companies of America already all over China all of the world so in China you see almost all the big American companies there but we need more small business the next amount of importing to China export to China this opportunity belongs to small business.

 I’m encouraging all the government should set special free critias owns for small business because we have every country set small business is important every country in those small companies are the driver of employment everybody  knows imports Mobiles so good but not every government really settle roots all the free trader zones are designed for big companies big companies can go import export receive money quickly small business not a goddess chance farmers never got this chance so next 20 years let’s build up a system specifically setting for small business and this is why I’m flying all around
the world last year 870 ours met meeting more than 40 government senior leaders and this year I’m going to fly more than 1000 hours.

Continue to evangelist because if we believe it we have to make it happen so please view China as an opportunity I’m so happy about President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump the wonderful dialogue they had because the two market if they connected 30 years ago American did help China a lot Nexus it ears china market need a lot of American small parts a lot of products and made in America the products the quality the service you guys here are visited Lee the booth beautiful products we Chinese consumers are crazy about that we need that so how can you do business with China first doing business is never easy don’t tell me today doing business is more difficult never be easy but today you should in the in the past 30 years doing visiting for import/export you go to the trader shoes now you have to moving online as I said China has become a country on the internet on the mobile phones and we company our company we ourselves last year is 12 its 11 percent of the total China retail online and offline combined together and I tell you that November 11 that is the single estate we created for the world for the consumers last year one day alone we sold 17.8 - US dollars and a few days ago June 18th we sold two million lipsticks with less than 10 minutes so everything goes on so quick and fast and latter two days ago we sold 200 tons of milk powder with the less than five minutes so people started shopping online as I said 200 million people start to shopping through a mobile phone every day
and we are delivering for our company alone we’re helping delivering over 60 million packages per day which we will see that in ten years the world in China the largest company would deliver at least 1 billion packages predict so this is how the world changed doing business if you use the traditional way I don’t think you will work if he’s using the Internet there’s a better way for take for example Indian the government England.

Governor Sir Jack we want to make 50% or 60% of the Indian people have a bank on my suggesting is that if you’re using the traditional banking system it wont work so we give our technology mobile payment less than two years we have two hundred and fifty minute Indian people using mobile payment today that in the English so think about internet is the opportunity for small business do not think about Internet is just their e-commerce think about internet business its better do not think only thing about a cell you should find you design or let some people in France design that people in China manufactured let some people in the Indian D in the Africa to get the raw materials so small business remember past 20 years only multinational companies are able to have this kind of international business ecosystem today with the internet we are able to do this and it’s the opportunity everything a big companies can do in the past 30 years today small business can do it in the past 20 years big companies they have all the money to do the it after all the money had a lot of offices around the world today small business using
internet any business you can do things the same in a very cost-effective way as I want to share with you is global by global cell is going to be happy in next 10 years so think about anybody in America if you want to buy things online you know buy a semi in Norway you want to buy some coconuts in in Thailand within 72 hours you receive it.

Our goal is trying to making sure that in next 10 years anywhere anybody in the world if you place an order online within 72 hours you will receive it and we were making sure the government will try to make policies for small business to import and export freely and easily people may not believe it I tell you two years three years ago the Prime Minister of Canada it came to my office and say hey Alibaba can you help us selling some the Canadian seafood I see what seafood some people say Lobster so we tried to sell lobster on November 11 that year for a one day was sold 997 thousand live lobsters within 72 hours from Canada to China femoris and almost the three weeks there is no lowest in Canada Market the first time we helped American farmers selling the chair Washington stated cherries was funny because at the USA embassy to China came to us it can help us to sell the cherries was a yes so we place the order online and the cherries do on the trees where we got the cherries well we get orders people start to pick up the cherries and delivery within 72 hours cherries will pick Santa China distribute into eighty thousand families and funny thing is that we’ve got a lot of complaints next a few days the complete was such a great such great cherries such a great price why we cannot abide it so they want to buy more so I think the domain is huge where you got one point four billion people you probably cannot you only have a 300 million people one point four oh my god it’s a lot of people and doing business it’s never easy try to learn it’s not that difficult do the e-commerce if Jack mod can do e-commerce you definitely can do it I’m for sure a good thing is that today we are using mobile phones we are not using computer  is very complicated mobile phone buying a cell is easier we hope one day with the mobile phone if you have if you plant potatoes you can sell potatoes to anywhere in the world with the mobile phones if you have if you have a car you can Buber anywhere so this is what we envision in next 250 years china internet e-commerce business partner will be everywhere and people always scared is that is will be cheated oh is that anything that scare me small business you have nothing to lose.

Don’t worry about the only thing you worry about is lose the opportunity if you’re losing china if you’re losing developing pension to Asia if you lose in the tonight ecommerce you will lose the hope lose the future Marco Polo 1000 years ago he came to China it took him eight two years to walk from Europe to China and from China to Europe another 80 years today eight seconds you can go to China a hundred million times because Internet at that time Marco Polo came to China there are a lot of you know terrible things happen on the way today there’s nothing that has happened so please catch up this opportunity the thing the thing I want to tell you here is that don't miss this chance this chance is going to be changed and I think most of the small business will be globalized if you are not a globalized business small business you will out of business I’m not scaring you guys because you have to think out of the box you have to do business because you’re small you are unique because you’re small it’s difficult for you to compete locally because if you use the internet you can compete globally so don’t miss opportunity catch the opportunity what Alibaba want to do is we want to build up the platform we want to enable you with the with the finding consumers enable you finding the business partners enable you to solve the money receiving problems the payment problems and logistic problems and computing capability problems but don’t rely on say oh is that mean I have to use the Alibaba no not necessarily using any Internet services any e-commerce company then can help you to sell your things outside do
not think oh I rely on Alibaba rely on any ecommerce Internet companies that you think it is helpful to you so but we commit that we will do a bad job finally let’s talk to our young people the artificial intelligence is coming as robots is going to replace enough jobs but.

I’m a building on a belief that 30 years later this new technology is going to create more jobs than today every technology revenue comes the kill jobs and then 30 years later those people who understand acknowledge who change themselves they start to make more jobs so pay attention to the kids’ education machine is going to be smarter but human beings are always wiser so try to teach your kids to be more creative to be more innovative because only those people who are creative innovative then they can survive and let our kids spend more time on doing e-commerce because doing e-commerce is about respect the other culture doing e-commerce is about a communication spending more time on doing business online rather than only on chat box and on emails by the way I have a one thing I noticed it is so difficult to convincing successful people one of the reasons why Alibaba succeed because 10 years ago we focus on those young people who are 18 years old 20 years old because they are not successful if we help them spending time with them for 10 years they will be successful but those people who are very successful they will give you 100 reasons why we should not take this out new innovations so spending time on the future and making sure that generation I noticed that many Americans senior people they spend a lot of time on standing receive emails young people using the WeChat and chapter on the mobile phones this is the generation change so the generation change is going to be scary
let’s make it  up and also please use the Internet.

Psmart date you up thank you very  much okay Jack I know I’m not Charlie Rose but I want to ask you a couple quick questions if that’s okay you’re not done yet you’ve got thousands of business owners in this audience thousands of entrepreneurs what do you want them to take away from this experience yeah don’t miss the opportunity I think the next 30 years is the opportunity for people like us the big companies they have to looking for a way to survive but we have to look away to expand our business to finding more partners and I think China is the best opportunity Internet is the best opportunity don’t miss it this is what I want to say just try to learn just like when I open the Internet my friend is
the others say Jack just to type in the word it’s not a bomb so go do business and I’m dying to know what’s next for Jack Ma um I would go back to teach uh at Harvard they will be begging I’m sure I  think that I would go back to teach in the entrepreneur school sure we’ve done the 1001 mistakes and I also would love to spend more time on the things I like the Environment Protection all these things because I don’t think next to five years. 

I’ll be strong or ten years I’ll be strong enough to operate to govern such a big economy we should leaving more opportunities for young people and I think the world belongs to the young people the world belongs to those people below 30 years old the company who are below 30 employees so I want I want to do the things that I’m good at that is being a teacher well were glad that you didn’t make it into the police department or KFC and we thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and giving us an opportunity to learn about how to do business in China thank you so much jack law for this event thank you very much thank you 
