Jack Ma's Life Advice Will Change Your Life

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So 25 years old

Don’t worry any

Mistake is that income is a wonderful revenue for you

so I tell myself and told my young people. Before 20 years old be a good student. Where do entrepreneur just to learn some experience before 30 years old?

Follow somebody

Go to a small company

Normally in a big company. It is good to learn processing you are a part of a big machine, But when you go to small company, you learn the passion you learn the dreams you learn how to do a lot of things at one time. So before 30 years old it’s not which company you go-its which boss  you follow. It’s very important a good boss teach you differently and

Before from 30 to 40 years old you have to think very clearly. Were you working for yourself? if you really want to be interpreted when you’re 40 to 50 years old you. Have to do all the things that you are good at don’t try to drop into the new area It’s too late you may be successful, but the rate of dying is too big so 40 to 50 think about how can focus on things that you are good at but when you are 50 to 60 years old work for the young people.

Because young people can do better than you so rely on them invest on them making sure they’re good So when you s over 60 or so spend time for yourself on? the Beach sunshine

Right it’s too late way to change normally but I visit by a device to the young people twenty-five years old. Make enough mistakes. Don’t worry you fall. You stand up you fall your step enjoy it. I’m its only five years. Oh it. Enjoyed. The show in do it I?

Didn’t have a rich father tried three times for university all filled I Apply for however for ten times all filled. They’d only want to see me for the last time I went to the teachers college which was. Considered the third or four class of my fitting To apply jobs of Thirty times Ill reject it. It was so difficult at that time I was so frustrated because I taught in the university my pain was ten dollars a month. Because I could not find a good job in 1990 foot. Discussed that I’m going to do something called internet and 23 of them I guess that they said this is stupid idea we have never heard by the internet and you know nothing about computer and I never thought I was smart nobody believed that I could be successful.

Because everybody said well this guy thinks differently singer crazily you know they think about something never worked. I try to borrow 3,000 us daughter from the banks took me three months. But I still cannot get it we talked over 30 or 40 venture capitalists. Everybody said no forget it a Lot of people said Alibaba is a terrible model. As I said I believe it. I think this thing could be big I never thought you will be that big like today I believe that something, something is waiting for me there and I have to work hard to prove myself. That was the tough experience so we gather 50,000 us dollars from 18 fighters we started

For the first three years we do not have even one dollar revenue from our business. What’s not easy?

Why it keeps the going ahead? going forward because I received lots of email of thanks from the customers. They say this is such a great thing we cannot obtain you. But this things helped us if you keep on helping us one day you will be successful. And I believe this little by little we build up our business little by little were good about.

Ecosystem of the Infrastructure and now after 16 years we have a Alabama group who have a team or group?

We have a tar ball group where we pay and people said you are so smart, how could you make a company like that?

Bill Gates Warren Buffet the Jack Welch

Very page mark Zuckerberg the difference between those people and other people. They are always. Optimistic for the future they never complained they always tried to solve the problems of the others. When you’re up to Mr.. It’s always opportunity. People same here today, Jeff. Where is the opportunity I don’t have a job I don’t have this I don’t have a debt. We are at them back to time of the century the best assets. You have is that you are young. Don’t complain let the other people complain. The opportunity Lie always lies where people complain think about how you can make things different is there anything I can do that make the difference and.

Then when you think about this study do it I saw a lot of people young people have fantastic ideas every evening. But in the morning they go to the opposite again being entrepreneur you have to do the things before the other people. Do you have to wake up before the other people wake up you have to be more brave than the others?

Use your instinct everything you do is to the need of the customer. To everybody to any person tomorrow is new. Make the move make the action. Whether investors believe it is or not whether your friends believe it or not whether your parents believe it or not that’s not important. You believe it your team believe it and work day and night on this that how the things happens. Make enough mistakes. You fall you stand up any mistake. Is that income is a wonderful revenue?

Don’t worry about the money  follow the people  should follow the dreams If you have a dream just to go ahead I Think nobody can conquer the world we only can serve the world. Either work for the others or work for yourself, and I choose the way work might for myself. Working for myself that means working for the society if you really want to work with yourself. Think about the others because only when the other people are successful when the other people are happy you’ll be successful. You will be happy I think today people worry a lot about the world about the economy China economy in the world and I’m a very optimistic.

When people start to worry that that is the opportunity is but I worry about the blood testing and she created. Good things and I think great innovations. Great Company’s always happening in the tough times. Lives like the music you have a pivot down you have a longer shot nodes. And I like the American movie life life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you’re going to get right?

So I’m pretty optimistic. The opportunity in the future for equality is huge because in the in the last Century the it is for big companies the globalization is for big companies. But now with the technology we can serve those 80% of the companies that never been served. We can serve the 80% of the young people that never serve. Technology for internet is so cheap so easy to use one of the reasons why we grow in China e-Commerce so fast much faster than the us because our. Infrastructure of Commerce in China was too bad. Why it is too bad something happening goes today? We are working on the rural areas of China. I can never imagine that China,

 But 800 million people still live in the rural areas of Farmers and They’re about close to 200 million people they are incomes less than one dollar per day and before the internet its. Impossible for these guys to reach the PC because it’s so difficult even people like me. I don’t know how to use in PC.But now 80 stand up the farmers those will be using mobile phones when have the mobile phones the internet. The Data things change it a lot, so I’m excited about the future people always worry that’s the you know. I love the young kids sitting there and talking about the dream their hopes because if they have the hope we have the hope that what I believe and. Let’s just take

What you do?

And I loved every description. I’ve ever heard you about how you serve people and. Your story about the. Bamboo farmers and your wife and her friends. Its tangles, but where’s this going?

What are you going to do? 
What are your plans? 

To maximize the use that people in remote rural areas of China. Can make of their cell phones besides ordering your projects, how are you going to get it?

Are you going to get them in the banking system through cell phones?

We never know that we can’t grow so fast the path to five miles we covered 4500 Villages and
These people not only they a using very. Traditional way that it takes them like two of we went to the rural area it took them the farmers two hours to work to the downtown in in the middle of the town and buy things but today. Because the mobile phone and we deliver we can deliver things to their home to their Village within 72 hours. I remember there’s a, well, last week. I read a very interesting if this is chant amazing. There is a girl she told me a story. She said her grandfather 92 years old birthday and for his life. He always wanted to try one. Western-Style food. But he lived in the rural areas. There’s no such  restaurant food. So she said I tried on the internet booked a restaurant dinner for Western food delivered to that village. And finally, immediately find one restaurant there are three guys they took like a three-day bus from the from Shanghai to that Village made a Italian spaghetti and beef for them for the 92 Years old birthday.

And whole Village was excited everybody says wow you can order food, West-Western-style food so you can buy almost everything and also we are helping there a lot of Farmers they plant love apples Great apples, But 90% of the apples route it because there’s nobody by Allah they normally buy by track you know if you sell the  apples this our whole track and using a traditional way, they can they can sell by whole basket of the apples, but now because of the internet the sell by one by one each apple to sell $1 o in a 190 or 200 for each so the farmers of the using internet they can buy and sell. Using a mobile phone that change their lives, and I think it’s exciting.

And people need examples when they see well the other my neighbors maker made money through online to selling things my neighbor made you know by much interesting things online people start to learn and. More people started by the mobile phones we cannot have we cannot make all the factory the mobile factories. To sell phones to them only they know the mobile phone really works helping change their lives is to divide Mobile phones. Just one more question and then do you think this will make?
the current problems like a current problem in China less likely that is if. We’ll have more market information in the market will drive where the investment goes. Instead of the government trying to make judgments about I better build another housing development, or office development here there yonder.

And you wind up with a bubble well it comes from the bottom up is it more likely that fewer bad things will happen.

yeah, they know, I think the last week I was in Seattle discussing about the China ah mummy. I think the you American people worry too much about the China economy well, you see. Every time where you start to worry about the china China goes better every time you think Chinese are in problem. You know were good. You know well get better, but we never say however you have a high expectation trying to always a problem. Like a parents of the expectation of the kids you know at the same
But there’s a big difference between the American consumption because people say wow you know the economy is bad. So China consumption will be good look no totally different. You American love to spend it tomorrows money and. The other people’s money maybe all maybe the Kudus money we Chinese love to save money. We are probably the largest. Country under the safe deposit in the whole world that will people because we’ve been poor for so many years when we meet money. Were put in the banks because Sunday. We know the disaster is coming so we can spend the money. So when the economy’s bad. We still have the money to spend you guys probably don’t you worried?
and the second thing is the China being if marketing China being focusing on developing for path to 30 years China government, so strong on.

Investment so strong on exporting but they are too weak on the domestic consumption domestic consumption is not driven by governments driven by entrepreneurship. Driven by the market not the government, so in the past two years past 20 years government is so strong. Now they get a week. It’s our opportunity. It’s our show time. To see the market economy.

Entrepreneurship how we can develop the real? consumption I think we’re if the China developed a great consumption we have a 300 million Middle class in next 15 to 20 years. We’re going to have been a middle class. We need to import a lot so when we start to import? that’s a great. It’s going to I worry a lot when we act when we export. We’ve got a terrible sky. We have a terrible water we have a terrible environment when we start import we got to be better. So that’s all the great opportunity guys be happy about that. I’m serious. Were that serious. I’m them. We worry about yourself. Don’t worry the reason some of them to worry about China is we depend on you to buy our debt. However, I tried to be more Chinese when I was president. I saved a lot of money, so good, but I just wanted you to say that because I really believe that I mean, I think you’re absolutely right the Trend toward greater internal consumption is I think will remain unbroken. In spite of whatever the difficulties are in the next few months.
